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滋味常新 = Everlasting flavours /

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《滋味常新(中英對照)》Everlasting Flavours 我喜歡嘗試配搭不同的味道 – 有成功、有失敗;有驚喜、有失望。但這正正就是烹飪的樂趣! -----黃婉瑩 Annie與烹飪就是一生的不解緣。 她的生活,從旅遊、工作、閒暇都離不開美食,亦不想錯過。 她懂得欣賞、懂得品嘗、懂得烹調, 更懂得將菜式發揚光大,用她的方法做得更好。 回憶的味道、尋覓中的驚喜……品嘗甜味時的幸福,讓她想與各位分享這一切,這,亦是這書誕生的緣由。

作者介紹 黃婉瑩 Annie Wong 烹飪導師 二十多年教學經驗,一顆織熱之心仍然不倦,喜愛與人分享烹調心得,學生來自世界各地。 著名電視烹飪主持 擔任電視烹飪節目主持愈十多年,粉絲群不分年齡界別,無遠弗界至全球能收看華語節目的地方,極受歡迎。 食物全接觸 1980年開始為飲食雜誌、廣告擔任食物造型師,並擔任眾多著名食物品牌及廚具的飲食顧問被邀請到多個國家作中菜示範,推廣中國的烹飪藝術撰寫食譜及任電台嘉賓主持 全心全意愛烹飪 飲食無國界,Annie愛到世界各地尋找地道菜式及特殊食材,凡西菜及束南亞菜式亦是她的拿手好戲。 Cookery Instructor With more than 20 years of experience as a cookery instructor, Annie is passionate about sharing cooking tips with others. She has students all over the world. Famous Cookery Presenter Annie has been hosting popular TV cookery programs for mere than ten years. She has fans in every corner of the world which broadcasts Chinese television. Exploring every aspect of food Since 1980, Annie has been a food stylist for food magazines, food ads and TV commercials, as well as food consultant to famous food products and cooking equipment. Invited to demonstrate Chinese cuisines in mans’ countries, Annie is a true ambassador for the art of Chinese cooking. Infatuation with Food Always fascinated with savouring unique dishes and ingredients from different parts of the world, Annie has become an expert in both Western and South-East Asian cuisines 作者相關著作:《開門9件事:從基本調味料煮起(中英對照)》




