電影動畫工作坊 : 底片.錄像.數位 / |
作者安格勒先生於龍年11月18日生於瑞士St-Gall,畢業於藝術學院後,他成為平面設計師,並於巴黎與倫敦的廣告公司任職。隨後他進入巴黎的Ecole Nationale Superieur des Arts Decoratifs,師事動畫大師Jean-Pierre Deseuzes學習動畫電影。Born in the St-Gall, Switzerland on November 18th in the Year of the Dragon. Robi Engler graduated from the School of Fine Arts and took an apprenticeship as a graphic artist, working at various advertising agencies in London and Paris. He then undertook animated film studies at the Ecole Nationale Superieur des Arts Decoratifs in Paris with Professor Jean-Pierre Deseuzes.1975年本書作者安格勒先生,以獨立動畫電影導演的身分,在瑞士的洛桑成立Animagination公司。他曾為瑞士法國電視台執導多部動畫電影,及製作眾多的電視廣告和科學教育影視作品。In 1975, Robi Engler founded the Animagination Company and established as an independent animation filmmaker in Lausanne, Switzerland. He directed a great number of animated films for Swiss-French Television, as well as advertising spots, scientific and educational films for TV and cinema.身兼編劇與導演的他,不僅製作動畫電影、電視作品,還創作了瑞士首部劇情長片動畫電影。他同時在世界各地的藝術學校與職訓中心擔任客座教授,曾於北京、柏林、加爾各答、加德滿都、洛桑、里斯本、盧加諾、盧薩卡、里昂、寧波、薩克桑、新加坡、台南、台北、萬象、弗拉涅等地任教。He is scriptwriter and director of animated films and television serials and made the first Swiss feature-length animation film. He is a Guest Professor at various art schools and training centers in Beijing, Berlin, Calcutta, Katmandu, Lausanne, Lisbon, Lugano, Lusaka, Lyon, Nimbo, Saxon, Singapore, Tainan, Taipei.