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The devil wears Prada /

  • 作者:Lauren Weisberger
  • 出版者:Anchor Books
  • 出版地:New York :
  • 語文:英語
  • ISBN/ISSN/ISRC:0307275558 ((pbk.)) ; 9780307275554 ((pbk.))
  • 作者:WeisbergerLauren
  • 索書號:813/.6

  A delightfully dishy novel about the all-time most impossible boss in the history of impossible bosses.   Andrea Sachs, a small-town girl fresh out of college, lands the job “a million girls would die for.” Hired as the assistant to Miranda Priestly, the high-profile, fabulously successful editor of Runway magazine, Andrea finds herself in an office that shouts Prada! Armani! Versace! at every turn, a world populated by impossibly thin, heart-wrenchingly stylish women and beautiful men clad in fine-ribbed turtlenecks and tight leather pants that show off their lifelong dedication to the gym. With breathtaking ease, Miranda can turn each and every one of these hip sophisticates into a scared, whimpering child.   THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA gives a rich and hilarious new meaning to complaints about “The Boss from Hell.” Narrated in Andrea’s smart, refreshingly disarming voice, it traces a deep, dark, devilish view of life at the top only hinted at in gossip columns and over Cosmopolitans at the trendiest cocktail parties. From sending the latest, not-yet-in-stores Harry Potter to Miranda’s children in Paris by private jet, to locating an unnamed antique store where Miranda had at some point admired a vintage dresser, to serving lattes to Miranda at precisely the piping hot temperature she prefers, Andrea is sorely tested each and every day—and often late into the night with orders barked over the phone. She puts up with it all by keeping her eyes on the prize: a recommendation from Miranda that will get Andrea a top job at any magazine of her choosing. As things escalate from the merely unacceptable to the downright outrageous, however, Andrea begins to realize that the job a million girls would die for may just kill her. And even if she survives, she has to decide whether or not the job is worth the price of her soul.   安德莉亞是個來自小鎮的社會新鮮人。因緣際會下,她得到一個所有女孩夢寐以求的工作,成為Runway時尚雜誌知名編輯米蘭達.普瑞斯特的私人助理。   第一次見到新主管,安德莉亞著實大開眼界。她望見整間辦公室,充斥著滿坑滿谷的Prada, Armani, Versace 等知名品牌,這讓初出茅廬的她,深深地墜入時尚產業的炫麗世界。   在這個流行天堂,瘦骨如柴的男女,每天來來往往;高貴嬌氣的女人,穿著狹小到無法呼吸的新款服飾,俊逸的男人則穿上可清楚看見肋骨的貼身高領毛衣,外加緊身皮褲。在單純的安德莉亞眼中,這些行頭,正默默的替主人宣示;他們的終身職志,將是全然無悔的奉獻給流行時尚與健身房。然而,更令人驚訝的還在後頭;不管這些時尚貴族有多麼的驕傲跋扈,多麼的不可一世,她的上司米蘭達,總有辦法讓這些王子公主,乖乖俯首稱臣。就像個小朋友一樣,安安靜靜地,連大氣都不敢喘一下!!   《穿著Prada的惡魔》給眾多難搞的上司老闆,重新賦予一個幽默的新名詞『地獄來的老闆』安德莉亞用清新詼諧的幽默語調,言簡易駭的描述,充斥著八卦消息與鉤心鬥角的時尚圈,還有在華服美食的派對背後,不為人知的黑暗秘辛。   書中對米蘭達,這個苛刻浪費的特權人士,有著一針見血的描述;她斥資讓孩子們,坐著豪華的私人噴射機,到巴黎購買尚未上市的《哈利波特》。還有她包下法國不知名小鎮的古老商店,周圍的氛圍都要合她胃口,米蘭達爽快的使喚下人為她服務,還買了一大堆高級服飾。但是米蘭達對待員工的方式,可就不如花錢這麼爽快了!   安德莉亞與她工作,可真是個漫長而痛苦的實驗,她得時時刻刻忍受上司陰晴不定的古怪脾氣,不但對工作要戰戰兢兢,更得在三更半夜,接聽米蘭達一時興起,打來咆哮的電話。   唯一支持她忍受這些痛苦的,只有一個終極目標,如果她還想在時尚圈工作,她就得獲得米蘭達的推薦信,只要有了這封信,就如同皇帝御賜的聖物,她將可以選擇任何一家,她想去的知名雜誌社工作。為了美好的將來,也為了可以順利的往上爬。安德莉亞願意默默忍受一切的不公平與痛苦。然而到最後,安德莉亞意識到一個可怕的事;這個所有女孩夢寐以求的工作,不但讓她生不如死,失去自尊,還會一並出賣她的靈魂。 本書中譯本《穿著 PRADA的惡魔》由高寶出版。