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Good morning, monster : a therapist shares five heroic stories of emotional recovery /

  • 作者:Catherine Gildiner.
  • 出版者:St. Martin's Essentials
  • 出版地:New York, NY :
  • 語文:英語
  • ISBN/ISSN/ISRC:9781250878335 ; 1250878330 ; 9781250271488 ; 9781250272263
  • 作者:Gildiner, Catherine,
  • 索書號:616.89/14

臨床心理師吉爾迪娜執業逾25年。她分享印象最深刻的五位勇敢病人的故事。他們向作者求助期能治癒最難以想像的傷口。每人都被謎團所籠罩,需要多年時間才能解開。------------------------勇氣不是單一的行動勇氣是面對不可能贏的情況還天天起床戰鬥 《也許你該找人聊聊》作者蘿蕊‧葛利布力薦★《早安美國》2020年最受讀者喜愛的讀物★獲選紐約《新聞週刊》最富有啟發的三十本讀物如果大野狼與祖母是同一個人,小紅帽該如何順利長大?凱瑟琳‧吉爾迪娜遙想她開業的第一天,便滿懷抱負期待以一身的心理學知識來「治癒」病患。沒料到踏進診療室的第一位個案就跌破她眼鏡,不僅拒絕分享家族史,還對何謂壓力沒有任何概念。從這名個案開始,凱瑟琳逐漸明白做為一名臨床心理師,與其期望自己能讓病患痊癒,不如與個案一起解決問題,引領他們來到理解自己的大門前——重要的是,陪伴病患直到他們願意走向自己的那一刻。本書為一名心理師從新手到年屆退休的二十五年間,不斷在心理學理論與臨床實作間犯錯及調整的過程。作者也記錄下五名來自不同種族、性向及階級的個案,他們在童年曾被遺棄、忽視、虐待,甚至遭受慘絕人道的種族滅絕政策。雖然看似成功克服逆境順利長大,童年的創傷卻在某刻甦醒,使他們的人生再度迷航——|一位以為心理諮商能迅速緩解生活壓力,以便治療皰疹問題的美麗女性,意外揭開的是兒時慘遭父親遺棄,獨自帶著弟妹生活的悲慘童年|飽受性功能障礙困擾的華裔樂手,以音樂感動無數聽眾,音樂卻也領著他走進母親兒時在越南鴉片館受虐的不堪經歷|加拿大寄宿學校種族滅絕政策的受害者,離開了家也背離了原住民傳統獵人文化,成為一名戴著白色面具卻連妻兒意外身亡都了無情緒的盡責職員|擁有一位長年將殺人魔泰德・邦迪視為楷模的父親,為了讓自己與妹妹脫離父親性虐待的魔掌,她讓其他人格來接管自己的生活|生於富有世家、事業極其成功的古董商,年紀輕輕卻已四度罹癌。在童年老家那座豪華的宅邸裡,等著她的是如同《白雪公主》後母一般的母親,天天都用「怪物」來跟她道早安……看一名專精精神分析理論的心理師,如何在五段如同犯罪小說一般詭譎的人生經歷中,成功引領他們直視成長過程中無意識間留下的傷痕,打破既有認知框架與情感模式,從麻木到學會感受情緒。這些個案也讓作者看見心理學與自身創傷的盲點,突破智識的限制與文化的藩籬,走上療癒心智與性靈的旅程。本中文書介出自《早安, 我心中的怪物: 一個心理師與五顆破碎心靈的相互啟蒙, 看他們從情感失能到學會感受、走出童年創傷的重生之路》臉譜出版社出版As seen on Good Morning America's SEPTEMBER 2020 READING LIST and FAVORITE BOOKS OF 2020!"We need to read stories about folks who have been through hell and kept going... Fascinating." ―Glennon Doyle, A Favorite Book of 2020 on Good Morning America"Gildiner is nothing short of masterful―as both a therapist and writer. In these pages, she has gorgeously captured both the privilege of being given access to the inner chambers of people's lives, and the meaning that comes from watching them grow into the selves they were meant to be." ―Lori Gottlieb, New York Times bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk to SomeoneIn this fascinating narrative, therapist Catherine Gildiner’s presents five of what she calls her most heroic and memorable patients. Among them: a successful, first generation Chinese immigrant musician suffering sexual dysfunction; a young woman whose father abandoned her at age nine with her younger siblings in an isolated cottage in the depth of winter; and a glamorous workaholic whose narcissistic, negligent mother greeted her each morning of her childhood with "Good morning, Monster." Each patient presents a mystery, one that will only be unpacked over years. They seek Gildiner’s help to overcome an immediate challenge in their lives, but discover that the source of their suffering has been long buried. As in such recent classics as The Glass Castle and Educated, each patient embodies self-reflection, stoicism, perseverance, and forgiveness as they work unflinchingly to face the truth. Gildiner’s account of her journeys with them is moving, insightful, and sometimes very funny. Good Morning, Monster offers an almost novelistic, behind-the-scenes look into the therapist’s office, illustrating how the process can heal even the most unimaginable wounds.