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Let the great world spin : a novel /

  • 作者:Colum McCann.
  • 出版者:Random House Trade Paperbacks
  • 出版地:New York :
  • 語文:英語
  • ISBN/ISSN/ISRC:9780812973990 :
  • 作者:McCann, Colum,
  • 索書號:823/.914

*美國國家圖書獎  *愛爾蘭都柏林文學獎  *法國杜維爾獎  *亞馬遜年度好書榜首  *博客來外文館年度選書之最  *《觀察報》年度選書  *《衛報》年度選書  *歐普拉年度選書   曙光乍現,一位神秘男子現身在紐約的天際線上。  他是誰?喧囂世界突然噤聲,望向110層高樓上的他。  他優雅地走在鋼索上,像天使般地向死神挑釁。  突然,他止住腳步,低頭俯瞰,彷彿在問:你們又是誰?   觀看的人群中,有服務於貧民窟的修士,傾全力助人,自己卻因為愛情,而陷入信仰與欲望的拔河。也有來自各個階層的母親,群聚悼念死於越戰的兒子,卻發現悲傷是如此私密的回憶。還有渾噩度日的藝術家、憧憬真實戀愛的電腦怪客、脫離不了困境的妓女、用相機捕捉光影的男孩……   這些人一起經歷當下的魔幻時刻,共同仰望天邊。他們的生活會起什麼變化?彼此會有什麼交集?透過十種不同身分與聲音,堆疊出對生命的想像,共同譜出一首扣人心弦的交響樂章。期望、失落、迷惑、孤獨、愛情、死亡,這些說著別人的故事,深沉悲憫,心碎卻撫慰。 一部立體、充滿不同視角的小說,全新的閱讀體驗:由七○年代的紐約說起,透過世貿雙塔的走索事件,串起歷史和社會的元素。 In the dawning light of a late-summer morning, the people of lower Manhattan stand hushed, staring up in disbelief at the Twin Towers. It is August 1974, and a mysterious tightrope walker is running, dancing, leaping between the towers, suspended a quarter mile above the ground. In the streets below, a slew of ordinary lives become extraordinary in bestselling novelist Colum McCann’s stunningly intricate portrait of a city and its people.   Let the Great World Spin is the critically acclaimed author’s most ambitious novel yet: a dazzlingly rich vision of the pain, loveliness, mystery, and promise of New York City in the 1970s.   Corrigan, a radical young Irish monk, struggles with his own demons as he lives among the prostitutes in the middle of the burning Bronx. A group of mothers gather in a Park Avenue apartment to mourn their sons who died in Vietnam, only to discover just how much divides them even in grief. A young artist finds herself at the scene of a hit-and-run that sends her own life careening sideways. Tillie, a thirty-eight-year-old grandmother, turns tricks alongside her teenage daughter, determined not only to take care of her family but to prove her own worth.   Elegantly weaving together these and other seemingly disparate lives, McCann’s powerful allegory comes alive in the unforgettable voices of the city’s people, unexpectedly drawn together by hope, beauty, and the “artistic crime of the century.” A sweeping and radical social novel, Let the Great World Spin captures the spirit of America in a time of transition, extraordinary promise, and, in hindsight, heartbreaking innocence. Hailed as a ”fiercely original talent” (San Francisco Chronicle), award-winning novelist McCann has delivered a triumphantly American masterpiece that awakens in us a sense of what the novel can achieve, confront, and even heal.   ★本書中譯版《讓美好世界轉動》由圓神出版。 作者簡介 科倫.麥肯 Colum McCann   歷史家寫大人物的小故事,小說家寫小人物的大故事。   一九六五年出生於愛爾蘭都柏林。已有七本著作的他,被譽為「最聰明、亮眼的文壇新星」。擅長書寫平凡人物的故事與情感,作品被譯成三十多國語言,文章散見於《紐約客》《巴黎評論》《GQ》《紐約時報》《衛報》《愛爾蘭時報》《德國時報》等國際知名刊物。   一九八六年,二十一歲的他,帶著一台打字機,還有寫出一部偉大小說的志氣,他來到了美國,開始寫作生涯。人生的磨難滋味,是成就偉大作家的必備養分,麥肯也不例外。當開始厭倦自己的文字時,他二話不說,騎上單車,開始尤里西斯般的流浪旅程。他造訪四十州,騎了近兩萬公里,聽了數不盡的故事,仰望了各地的星空。   《讓美好世界轉動》完成他勾勒二十多年的美國夢。該部小說除了獲得二○○九年美國國家圖書獎,也贏得了二○一一年的愛爾蘭都柏林文學獎。不凡的文學成就,讓他接連獲得愛爾蘭文學院士、法國藝術與文學勳章等至高榮譽的肯定。   麥肯認為,小說家是另類的歷史學家,探討細微渺小、沒沒無聞、不一定會被記載的時刻。因此身為小說家,有必要加以陳述記錄這些看似不重要、卻映照著我們今天的小小時刻。   Colum McCann is the internationally bestselling author of the novels Zoli, Dancer, This Side of Brightness, and Songdogs, as well as two critically acclaimed story collections. His fiction has been published in thirty languages. He has been a finalist for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award and was the inaugural winner of the Ireland Fund of Monaco Literary Award in Memory of Princess Grace. He has been named one of Esquire’s ”Best and Brightest,” and his short film Everything in This Country Must was nominated for an Oscar in 2005. A contributor to The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, The Atlantic Monthly, and The Paris Review, he teaches in the Hunter College MFA Creative Writing Program. He lives in New York City with his wife and their three children.