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借閱次數: 1

Sport business in the global marketplace /

  • 作者:Hans Westerbeek and Aaron Smith ; foreword by Kevin Roberts
  • 出版者:Palgrave Macmillan
  • 出版地:Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire :
  • 語文:英語
  • ISBN/ISSN/ISRC:140390300X
  • 作者:WesterbeekHans;Smith Aaron
  • 索書號:338.4/3796

Sport has become big business. This book takes a global look at the business of sport focusing upon the structure of the sport industry, commercialization of sport, sport marketing, franchising, television, and other rights, and the rise of the global super athletes and teams. This is positioned in a global political and economic context and in the framework of global uncertainties and scenarios.