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陸希傑CJ STUDIO主持人。畢業於東海大學建築系、英國AA建築聯盟,從事建築及室內設計、家具設計、產品設計等相關研究開發。曾任教於交大建研所,東海、實踐、銘傳等大學建築系。著有《鍛造視差》2003、《空間設計─要思考的是:》2015。其作品包括:竇騰璜及張李玉菁台中Tiger City概念店(2005日本JCD設計大賞)、Aesop微風店(2006日本JCD設計大賞及國際室內設計聯盟IFI 2007設計金獎)。2008第十一屆威尼斯建築雙年展之台灣館參展及台北當代藝術館第六屆行動藝術節展出黑暗城市+城市之眼展覽。2011獲得TID Award 2007-2010十大室內設計師獎項。2011臺北世界設計大展─台灣當代設計師聯展與國際室內設計展。入選為美國室內設計雜誌INTERIOR DESIGN七十五週年特集五位潛力設計師之一。Shi-Chieh LuThe Director of CJ STUDIO. Graduating from Architecture Department of Tung-Hai University and Architectural Association in London. Engaged in the research and development of architectural and interior design, furniture design as well as product design. Used to teach in the Graduate Institute of Architecture, NCTU, architecture departments of Tung-Hai, Shih-Chien and Ming-Chuan Universities. Writings including Forging Parallax, 2003, Space Design Thinking, 2015. Projects including concept store of DOUCHANGLEE in Tiger City, Taichung (JCD Design Award 2005), Aesop in Breeze Center (JCD Design Award 2006, IFI 2007 Gold Award). Exhibitions including Taiwan Pavilion in the 11th Venice Biennial, Dark City + Eye of the City in the 6th City on the Move Art Festival. Awarded TID Award 2007-2010 as one of the top 10 interior designer in 2011. Selected as five of talented and reported on “Interior Design” (USA) 75-years special issue, 2011.何炯德建築創作家。畢業於東海大學建築系、英國AA建築聯盟,研究建築設計方法論與從事設計創作,涵括仿生理論、數位技術與建築理論等之跨域整合。曾任教交大建研所、淡江、中原、銘傳等各建築系,現任職陸希傑設計事業,並於東海建築系與元智藝設系教授設計課程。著作包括《仿生微生系》2013、《新仿生建築》2009、《活潑建築》2007以及編譯《後設空間》2004。建築設計獎項包括FEIDAD 2006&2007、Self-Sufficient Housing 2005、e-competition: possible future 2005、921集集地震紀念館2004、New York FHL 2003等,作品收錄於各式專書。Jeong-Der HoArchitecture creator. Graduating from department of architecture in Tung-Hai University & Architectural Association in London. Engaged in the study and application of architectural design methodology and specialized in the cross-disciplinary integration including the biomimetic theory, digital technique and architectural theory etc. Used to teach in the Graduate Institute of Architecture, NCTU, architecture departments of Tamkang, Chung-Yuan and Ming-Chuan Universities. Now employed in CJ STUDIO as well as teaching in architecture department of Tung-Hai University and Art and Design department of Yuan-Ze University. Writings including Biomimetic Microecosystem 2013, New Biomimetic Architecture 2009, Volatile Architecture 2007 as well as the editing and translating of Metaspaces 2004. Architectural awards including FEIDAD 2006&2007, Self-Sufficient Housing 2005, e-competition: possible future 2005, 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake Memorial 2004, New York FHL 2003 etc. and collected in various books




