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歐詩丹的詩作與回憶(一九九0-二0一0) /

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《歐詩丹的詩作與回憶(1990-2010)》 本書收錄作者1990年至2010年間所寫的20首詩,記載了作者20年來的回憶片段。詩句以及相關故事中的事件 與人物,有些源於真實生活,有些則出自於詩人的想像世界。本書原為土耳其文,並譯為英文與中文。作者 雖是歷史教授,這本書並非學術著作或教科書。本書內容採土耳其文、中文與英文三種語文對照。以業餘者 精神完成的這些詩作,包含了作者對土耳其、英國、波士尼亞赫塞哥維納、愛沙尼亞與台灣的印象以及生活 體驗。主題大多是生活、離別、死亡、友誼、愛情、親情以及童年回憶等。 This book consists of 20 poems, along with short stories and several fragments drawn from the author’s 20 years of recollections (1990-2010). The events and people in the poems and in the attached short stories are sometimes based on real life and are sometimes imaginary characters inspired by her general observations of human life. This book is originally written in Turkish and then translated into English and Chinese. The author of these poems is in actual fact a Professor of History; but this book is neither prepared as an academic publication nor a textbook. The book is prepared in three languages (Turkish, Chinese and English). Aside from the 20 poems, which the author composed in an amateur spirit during her free time, this book also partly reveals her memories of Turkey, England, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia and Taiwan, as well as containing verses drawn from her general life experiences. The subjects of the poems mainly touch on diverse matters as life, separation, death, friendship, love, family, and childhood memories. ALPER

作者介紹 歐詩丹(Nese Ozden) 出生於土耳其阿瑪斯亞省的歐詩丹(Nese Ozden)博士目前為歷史教授任教於土耳其;於倫敦大學取得歷史學領域的博士學位。她曾經任教於波士尼亞赫塞哥維納的圖茲拉和仄尼薩大學、愛沙尼亞的塔林大學以及台灣的政治大學。她嫻熟英語,略通波士尼亞語和俄語。 Dr. Ozden, born in Amasya, is a Professor of History and works in Turkey; she holds a PhD in History from London University. She also held teaching positions at the Universities of Tuzla and Zenica in Bosnia & Herzegovina, at the University of Tallinn in Estonia and at the Chengchi University in Taiwan. She is fluent in English, and has a working knowledge of Bosnian and Russian.




