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Prosocial guidance for the preschool child /

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This book reflects the new approach to guidance in the preschool classroom, focusing on positive rather than inappropriate behaviors. It provides future and current teachers with the skills to create a prosocial physical environment, to anticipate and prevent inappropriate behavior from happening, and to help children manage their own behavior. Contains a Child Prosocial Behavior Checklist for evaluating a child's current social/behavior development. Promotes eight prosocial behaviors: self-esteem, empathy, friendliness, generosity, helpfulness, self-control, cooperation, and respect. Contains information on the “other-esteem conflict conversion” approach to help children resolve interpersonal conflicts. Uses children's books and extension activities to promote good behavior. Includes important new findings regarding research on the brain and the emotions. Ideally suited for teachers and parents. This book will do well in Head Start training programs and in vocational education programs as well.




