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借閱次數 :

Reading between the lines /

  • 點閱:210
  • 評分:0
  • 評論:0
  • 引用:0
  • 轉寄:0

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Literary texts and extracts can provide a stimulating basis for classwork on language appreciation and oral fluency. This book for upper-intermediate and more advanced students contains a wide range of texts with related exercises which aim to make literature more accessible while developing general fluency. The book is organised thematically, covering such topics as Family, Environment, Rebellion, and Women. There is a minimum of three texts in each unit and the related activities are varied and thought-provoking, to stimulate and sustain discussion. The last part of each unit draws together what the students have read: first, by considering the different treatments of the theme; then by actively involving the students in a stimulation which relates theme to text; and finally, by analysing the literary uses of language illustrated in the texts.




