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Objects, abstraction, data structures, and design using Java /

  • 點閱:161
  • 評分:0
  • 評論:0
  • 引用:0
  • 轉寄:0

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This revolutionary book intertwines problem solving and software engineering with the study of traditional data structures topics. The book emphasizes the use of objects and object-oriented design. Early chapters provide background coverage of software engineering. Then, in the chapters on data structures, these principles are applied. The authors encourage use of a five-step process for the solution of case studies: problem specification, analysis, design, implementation, and testing. As is done in industry, these steps are sometimes performed in an iterative fashion rather than in strict sequence. The Java Application Programming Interface (API) is used throughout the text. Wherever possible, the specification and interface for a data structure follow the Java Collections Framework.




