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Hello了, 然後呢? : 交際英語開口說! = A communicative approach to English /

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語言限制了你的想像? 運用交際英語,你可以更加認識這個世界! ▶讓英語參與這些柴米油鹽的日常生活 [食]轉角那經營了25年的老字號餐廳,是以什麼樣的魅力留住顧客?他們又有著什麼樣的好菜,讓顧客絡繹不絕? 例句:顧客們進門、點餐、安靜等待。人們都是友善的,且似乎都熟悉彼此。 The customers came in, ordered their food, waited quietly, ate quickly, paid, and left. The people were friendly and most of them seemed to know each other. [樂]想逃離繁忙的生活,寧靜的書店是一個絕佳選擇! 例句:在書店度過的時光總是令人愉快,無論你是個愛書人或者只是為了挑本書當禮物。 Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book-lover or merely there to buy a book as a present. [行]公車、火車、捷運……串聯城市的公共交通運輸,也串聯起你我的生活。 例句:世界上的每個主要城市幾乎都有著某種形式的公共交通。不僅對遊客來說是必要的,也為市民們提供低成本的運輸工具,並幫助了街道和高速公路的交通。 Nearly every major city in the world provides some form of public transport. This is necessary not only for visitors to the city, but also to provide citizens with low-cost transport and to help the traffic on the streets and highways. ▶與我們息息相關的社會議題,你該學好學滿 [工作]賺錢真是現代人最感興趣的大事了! 例句:我們生活在一個唯物主義的社會,且被訓練得貪得無厭。 We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive. [教育]沒有一個孩子是自己要求出生的。如果你給世界帶來了生命,你就必須承擔。 例句:他們的主要義務之一是讓孩子感受到個人價值,因為自尊是良好心理健康的基礎。 One of their chief obligations is to give their children a sense of personal worth, for self-esteem is the basis of good mental health. [科技]汽車在世界上相當普遍,它帶來的不僅是繁榮,還有威脅。 例句:事實上,任何在舒適性方面獲得的優勢往往會被交通擁堵造成的挫敗感所抵消。 In fact, any advantage gained in comfort is often cancelled out in cities by the frustration caused by traffic jams. ▶這些全人類的歷史共業,我們需要嚴肅面對 [海洋]人類不斷向海洋傾倒垃圾與廢物,將會影響多少生命? 例句:有些城市的船隻會運送垃圾及工業廢物出海,並將之傾倒在海洋中。海洋無法接受太多這些東西而不危及海中的魚類及植物。 In some cities, barges carry garbage, industrial waste, and other materials out to sea and dump them in the ocean. The ocean cannot hold too much of these things without endangering its fish and plants. [空汙]煙囪、燃燒垃圾、汽車排放廢氣造成空氣汙染,這是人類不得不重視的全球性議題。 例句:空氣汙染會危害健康。統計數據顯示,空氣汙染會增加肺部疾病的風險:如肺氣腫、支氣管炎和氣喘。 There are health dangers from air pollution. Statistics show that air pollution in cities increases the risk of certain lung diseases such as emphysema, bronchitis and asthma. ★本書特色:本書的內容取材於日常生活、工作和一些熱門話題,涉及面廣、內容新穎且具有啟示意義。





