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美學逆襲 : 當代藝術的社會實踐 = The challenge of aesthetics : social practice in contemporary art /

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  這是一本兼具理論與實際案例分析的佳作。作者不僅針對當代藝術的社會實踐從西方經驗到台灣與東亞在地的反思,其中更包含教育及公民行動的視角,對於跨領域藝術實踐以及關心藝術連結社群發展的所有研究者而言,極具參考價值!──高雄師範大學跨領域藝術所副教授兼所長、國家文藝獎得主 吳瑪俐

  《美學逆襲──當代藝術的社會實踐》一書中的當代藝術,沒有奇蹟、沒有天才,「只有街坊自救、八方支援的故事」。不論是樹梅坑溪、土溝農村、海市蜃樓計畫,對作者董維琇而言,都是當代藝術作為社會參與、環境關懷、公民論述、公眾教育與抵拒仕紳化發展的具體化現。隨著《美學逆襲》的出版,中文世界的讀者,除了過去慣於引用的畢夏普、雷西、凱斯特與布西歐之外,終於有了以在地臺灣當代藝術實踐為基礎的世界觀點,有了屬於自身觀看社會參與式藝術的論述依憑。──國立臺南藝術大學藝術創作理論研究所副教授 龔卓軍


  This is a thought-provoking book that brings both theoretical frameworks and case studies into light. Tung’s book explores the perspectives of social practice in contemporary art from within Western and East Asian contexts. It also adds significant perspectives on education and civil activism. This book is worth reading for practitioners of interdisciplinary art and researchers concerned with the relation of art to the development of communities.

  Mali Wu / Associate Professor and Director of Graduate School of interdisciplinary Art, National Kaohsiung Normal University  
The Challenge of Aesthetics: Social Practice in Contemporary Art is a book that shows that contemporary art practice is not about creating miracles or works of genius; it is about the stories of “communities self-awakening and being fulfilled, as well as receiving support from the ‘outside’.” For Wei Hsiu Tung, the “Plum Tree Creek,” “Togo Village,” and “Mirage” projects, amongst others, all epitomize contemporary art practice in terms of social engagement, care for the environment, civil discussion or education, and resistance to urban gentrification. Beside the usual references to Bishop, Lacy, Kester and Bourriaud, Tung’s The Challenge of Aesthetics provides Chinese language readers of studies on social practice art with a local perspective as well as worldview from within the self-reflective framework of Taiwan.

  Jow-Jiun Gong / Ph.D. Associate Professor/ Doctoral Program in Art Creation and Theory, Tainan National University of the Arts
This book offers different perspectives on discussions of social practice in contemporary art, from theories to case studies whether in Western or East Asian and Taiwanese contexts.  The book also reflects on the educational dimension of social practice art and its potential for civil action.  
By confronting society and its reality, and by raising the critical questions of our time, art can prompt different communities to develop self-awareness through creative expression. Such art practice has the power to bring-in change beyond the confines of the museum and within our own lives. This is what makes the social practice of art pivotal in our time.


董維琇 Wei Hsiu Tung


  曾獲國家文化藝術基金會「藝術與社會環境結合」藝術社會學博士論文獎助,2010-2011年擔任英國倫敦都會大學(Sir John Cass School of Art, Media and Design, London Metropolitan University)公共藝術訪問學者。著有英文專書Art for Social Change and Cultural Awakening: An Anthropology of Residence in Taiwan (Lexington Books, 2013),獲邀2014年台北國際書展美國在台協會(AIT)展出,及Taiwan Review書評專文介紹。目前也擔任《藝術研究學報》主編及Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art(Routledge)國際編審委員,並以中、英文出版多篇文章於國內外匿名審查學術期刊及其他重要專論。長期研究關注領域為藝術的社會參與及實踐、公共空間藝術、藝術家進駐計畫研究等。

  Wei Hsiu TUNG is Associate Professor of theory of art at National University of Tainan, Taiwan. After obtaining her master’s degree in art education at Warwick University, she was awarded a scholarship from the Taiwan National Culture and Arts Foundation to write a PhD dissertation in anthropology of art with British anthropologist Nick Stanley at Birmingham City University (BIAD, 2003).

  In 2010-2011 she was Research Fellow of public art at the Sir John Cass School of Art, Media and Design, London Metropolitian University. Her research interests and expertise cover public art, socially engaged art, community-based art practice in East Asia, social anthropology of art East/West, contemporary Chinese and Taiwanese art. She has published her research in both English and Chinese in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Visual Art Practice (Taylor & Francis), Art Forum (National Cheng Kung University), or Aesthetics and Art Science (Airiti Press). She has authored two books: Art for Social Change and Cultural Awakening: An Anthropology of Residence in Taiwan (Lexington Books, 2013) and The Social Practice of Contemporary Art: Towards the Reality and Power of Change (Quan Hua, 2017). She also currently serves as Editor in Chief of the peer-reviewed Journal of Performing and Visual Art Studies.




