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Harry Potter : a history of magic.

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哈利波特裡的魔法與 魔法的歷史  大英圖書館出版你對占卜、煉金術、神奇藥水或哈利波特裡的魔法感到好奇嗎?響應哈利波特20週年,大英圖書館同時集結了在哈利波特出現的魔法以及世界各地魔法收藏品,解說背後的文化和故事 ,並收錄 J.K. Rowling和畫家Jim Kay手稿。在這裡,可以看到16世紀巨大的練金術捲軸、仙丹、龍血、獨角獸、火焰中飛舞的鳳凰、外貌像人常被用在巫術儀式的「曼德拉草」(哈利波特裡的毒蘋果),也可以仿中世紀天文學家觀察星象找天狼星,此外本書還邀請各界專家如動物冒險王主持人史提夫貝克蕭(Steve Backshall)…等分享個人的魔法體驗, 同時滿足哈利波特迷與魔法迷!Celebrate 20 years of Harry Potter magic!Harry Potter: A History Of Magic is the official book of the once-in-a-lifetime exhibition from the brilliant curators of the British Library. This enhanced ebook takes readers on a fascinating journey through the subjects studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – from Alchemy and Potions classes, right through to Herbology and the Care of Magical Creatures.Each chapter showcases a treasure trove of artefacts from the British Library and other collections around the world, beside exclusive manuscripts, sketches and illustrations from the Harry Potter archive. The chapters also feature absorbing essays by cultural commentators, first-class academics and respected writers, who offer their unique perspective on the subject and theme.Readers will be able to pore over ancient spell books, explore amazing illuminated scrolls that reveal the secret of the Elixir of Life, and through its unique design and functionailty examine vials of dragon’s blood, mandrake roots, painted centaurs and a genuine witch’s broomstick, in an interactive digital book that shows J.K. Rowling’s magical inventions alongside their cultural and historical forebears.This is the ultimate gift for Harry Potter fans, curious minds, big imaginations, bibliophiles and readers around the world who missed out on the chance to see the exhibition in person.

British Library




