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The creative city : vision and execution /

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The Creative City: Vision and Execution, edited by James E. Doyle and Biljana Mickov, challenges the popular understanding of the Creative City, by bridging the gap between the Creative City as concept and the Creative City as practice and, in so doing, provides a contemporary template for policy makers, city planners, and citizens alike. The book will offer researchers and pragmatists a series of real-life examples of successful cultural and creative practice throughout Europe, reflecting on the analysis and thinking that forms our contemporary understanding of the creative city. It will examine and explain the changes to the concept of the a€?creative citya€?, explore its connectivity to the cultural sector as well as other sectors and practices across Europe and will serve to illustrate the perspectives of Cultural Managers, Educators, Professionals and Researchers from the creative sector in Dublin and Europe. This book will present the reader, and the cultural sector at large, with a new reality based on the quality of contemporary creative practice. Doyle and Mickov address cultural trends such as sustainability and social networking and how they value-impact our attitudes towards culture and the creative city By recognizing that we live in a time of rapid change, which affects all systems, financial models, resources, the economy and technology, we also recognize that the creative process is at the heart of our responses to these changes.

James E. Doyle is a cultural manager, a practicing artist and one of the Arts Officers for Dublin City Council. He has extensive managerial experience in Local Government, and as an independent operator in the arts, cultural and event management sectors. James has worked for local community partnerships, in adult education, technology and the manufacturing sectors, as well as the Irish Defence Forces. He was the UK National Representative for Events Industry Training on behalf of NOEA (National Outdoor Events Association UK) and is currently advising on the Music Centre for the Parnell Square Cultural Quarter Dublin. He has recently been appointed as Coordinator for the Dublin bid for EU Capital of Culture 2020. James has qualifications in fine art, European cultural project management, physics and chemistry, and has a special interest in the research, critical analysis and publication of topical cultural themes, particularity in relation to sustainable cultural development. Biljana Mickov is a cultural researcher, editor and consultant. She graduated from the University of Novi Sad and also holds a European Diploma in Cultural Project Management from the Marcel Hicter Foundation Brussels (supported by UNESCO and the EU Commission). Biljana is arts, culture and creative industries editor for cultural publication Thought. She collaborated on cultural partnerships internationally and her work has been published in Spain, the UK, France and Serbia. She is a member of the European Expert Network on Culture (EENC), a project that comprises a group of high-level experts who provide assessments and reports in the field of cultural policy.




