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Feedback control of dynamic systems /

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An Understandable Introduction to Digital ControlFeedback Control of Dynamic Systems provides enough information, early and simply, so that a student can implement a controller in a digital computer, and an instructor can cover it in one lecture.This text is devoted to supporting students equally in their need to grasp both traditional and more modern topics of digital control. With this approach, students will understand how control systems are being implemented in most cases today, and instructors will have a method of teaching modern design and implementation at an undergraduate-level course.To help students understand that computer control is widely used and that the most basic techniques of computer control are easily mastered, an early introduction to data sampling and discrete controllers is included.NEW: New treatment of Digital ControlNEW: The sections on digital control in Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the previous edition are now featured solely on a dedicated website for the book (www.FPE7e.com).NEW: Chapter 8 is modified so that it now provides a stand-alone introduction to Digital Control.NEW: For those instructors wanting to include the digital implementation of controllers early in their teaching, the material can be downloaded and used without change from the order that existed in the 6th edition or the students can be directed to the material in Chapter 8. Real-world PerspectiveComprehensive Case Studies: An entire chapter devoted to case studies covers real problems in a variety of fields that draw on all the design methods covered in the book.Historical Perspectives: Interesting but concise historical background sections for the material are included in each chapter.Extensive Integrated MATLAB Examples: Throughout the book, MATLAB is closely integrated to illustrate how calculations are made as the concepts are introduced.A collection of all the MATLAB files used to produce the figures in the book are available at: www.FPE7e.comNEW: MATLAB commands are updated throughout the book to utilize the current capabilities of the software. Focus on DesignDesign is emphasized throughout the text so that confidence in solving design problems is developed from the startThe emphasis on design begins in Chapter 4 following the development of modeling and dynamic response.The design orientation continues with uniform treatments of the root locus, frequency response, and state variable feedback techniques.All the treatments are aimed at providing the knowledge necessary to find a good feedback control design with no more complex mathematical development than is essential to clear understanding.Throughout the text, examples are used to compare and contrast the design techniques afforded by the different design methods and, in the capstone case studies of Chapter 10, complex real-world design problems are attacked using all the methods in a unified way.Relationships used in design and throughout the book are collected inside the back cover for easy reference. Keep Your Course CurrentNEW: A new section on Fundamentals is included in Chapter 1NEW: A new section on Gears is included in Chapter 2UPDATED: The section on the Laplace transform and frequency response in Chapter 3 is rewrittenNEW: A new section on Feedforward Control is included in Chapter 4UPDATED: The section on PID control in Chapter 4 is rewritten.UPDATED: The section in Chapter 4 on the effect of zeros on a system is rewritten.UPDATED: Sections on stability and compensation are rewritten in Chapter 6 for clarity and consistency with current standards in the industry.UPDATED: An expanded discussion of Nichols plots is included in Chapter 6.UPDATED: Revised notation of the state-space system from F, G, H, J to A, B, C, D in Chapters 7, 9, & 10.UPDATED: To prevent any ambiguity, the notation for the compensation was changed from D(s) to Dc(s) throughout the text because of the change in the state-space notation.NEW: The model following procedure is now included in Chapter 7.UPDATED: Several sections were rewritten in Chapter 8 for clarity.NEW: A new section on the ZOH Equivalent method is included in Chapter 8.UPDATED: In Chapter 10, the engine control example is updated and the biology example is substantially revised.NEW: Approximately 20% of the Problems in the book are revised or new in all chapters.

Gene F. Franklin - Stanford UniversityJ. David Powell - Stanford UniversityAbbas Emami-Naeini - SC Solutions, Inc.




