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Female heads of households in Eurasian societies : Taipei and Rotterdam in times of industrialization = 歐亞社會中的女人當家 : (前)工業化時期的臺北與鹿特丹 /

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《Female Heads of Households in Eurasian Societies Taipei and Rotterdam in times of industrialization》 歌德:瞭解女性,就能瞭解歷史的真相。想要深入瞭解某一個時代,就必須好好研究那個時代的女性。歐亞社會的女性藉由其生命史,分別陳述著原生社會的傳統文化及歷史脈絡。不論是歐洲或者是亞洲,女性戶長都不是主流現象,是什麼樣的因素、家庭背景、社會經濟發展,讓一些女性得以成為戶長,而東西方社會的女性戶長形成因素又是全然的不同嗎?本書藉由女性戶長生命史了解台灣(台北)及荷蘭(鹿特丹)在(前)工業化時期的家戶形成及女性地位的憑藉。 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: By understanding women, one will be able to understand the historical truth. Therefore, to understand a certain period, there is a need to study the women of that era. The life histories of the women in the Eurasian societies represent the traditional cultures and historical contexts of their native society. In Europe or Asia, female heads of households are not the mainstream phenomenon. What factors, family backgrounds, and social economic developments led to some women becoming heads of households? Were the factors that contributed to the formation of female-headed households completely different between the Eastern and Western societies? Through the life histories of the female heads of households, this book studies the household formation systems and the status of women in the (pre)industrialization period of Taiwan (Taipei) and the Netherlands (Rotterdam). 本書特色 ◎本書為作者的博士論文,以英文書寫而成,內容結構嚴謹,層次井然。 ◎本書獲得「中研院歷史人口研究計畫」支持,傾注許多學術資源。 ◎作者遠赴荷蘭研讀博士,故能就近借閱大量荷蘭保存的文獻資料,也對歐亞社會有更進一步的認識。

作者介紹 Author’s Curriculum Vitae Xingchen C.C. Lin was born on October 11, 1978 in Taipei (Taiwan) and grew up in a district close to DaDaoCheng. She completed her junior and senior education at Girls High School, after which she went to Soochow University of Taipei to study Chinese literature and received her degree in 2000. In 2006, she attained her master’s degree from the Department of Public Policy and Administration at National ChiNan University. In the same year, she was awarded Delta scholarship (the Netherlands) to do her Ph.D. in Radboud University Nijmegen. During her time at the Radboud University Nijmegen as a junior researcher in Historical Demography, she was also awarded a two-year grant for overseas study from the Ministry of Education of Taiwan.




