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Corporate humanities in higher education : moving beyond the neoliberal academy /

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內容簡介top Corporate Humanities in Higher Education 簡介 As the neoliberal academy grows in power and influence, the humanities seem to decrease by the same measure. How do humanists speak for and from the humanities in an academy which values critical inquiry into them less and less? Working in the humanities in this climate requires humanists to be even better at what they do best, namely, providing critical insight on each other's work and valuing contributions for the ways in which they advance critical dialogue within the academy, rather than stifle it. Corporate Humanities in Higher Education contends that moving beyond the neoliberal academy may not be as easy as returning to its predecessorut it certainly will not be as difficult as trying to function as an academic committed to critical inquiry and democratic education in the age of neoliberalism. Anyone who cares about the future of the humanities in these dark times will benefit from this book.




