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焦點英語閱讀. 六大技巧輕鬆讀英文 / Level 3 :

  • 點閱:228
  • 評分:0
  • 評論:0
  • 引用:0
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《焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文 (Level 3) (16K彩圖)》 六項全方位的閱讀技巧訓練,有效聚焦閱讀 《焦點英語閱讀》系列依程度深淺分為三冊,第三冊文章長度每篇約330至360字, 共100篇精采引人的閱讀文章,文章內容囊括各類主題與體裁,範圍涵蓋「旅遊、動物、人物、藝術與文學、商業、娛樂、科技、文化、健康」等多元內容,選題掌握時代脈動,帶領讀者走在知識尖端,如:臉書創辦人、印度五彩節、塗鴉藝術家、北京的沙漠化、體熱能源的運用等,讓讀者在學習英文的同時,也能以英語涉獵各領域的知識。 全書特色在於每篇文章皆設計有6題閱讀測驗,包含了六項全方位的閱讀技巧訓練: 1. 中心思想(Main Idea) 2. 主題(Subject Matter) 3. 細節(Supporting Details) 4. 推論(Inference) 5. 字彙∕片語(Vocabulary/Phrases) 6. 釐清技巧(Clarifying Devices) 經由這六個面向的問題來切入層層剖析文章,激發思考,並有效理解及掌握文章的要義,確實抓住文章重點。 精心設定16週讀完100篇文章的學習進度,一天一篇,分量適中,讀者只要跟隨讀書計畫按部就班扎實地學習,就能在短時間內閱讀完大量的文章,不只養成閱讀的好習慣,更能讓閱讀能力更上一層樓。

作者介紹 Zachary Fillingham A Canadian by birth, Zachary holds a BA in International Relations from York University in Toronto and an MA in Chinese Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, UK. His guiding principle in life is a passion for learning, and this trait led him to Taiwan where he worked as an English teacher and began writing and editing textbooks for ESL students. Apart from his extensive experience as a freelance writer and translator, Zachary has also worked as the Managing Editor for a politics website and a consultant for one of the world’s largest finance companies. Owain Mckimm Owain Mckimm is a University of Cambridge graduate who has been working in Taiwan for over two years. He has taught English to learners of all ages and levels, and is also a freelance writer. He has written for numerous publications in Taiwan, including travel and culture magazines, English teaching magazines, and webzines. 譯者介紹 林育珊 教學碩士。喜歡讀英文,說英文,看英文。平日以教英文為樂,著有《初級英檢閱讀模擬練習解析》;除了分享自己教學英文的心得,現亦從事翻譯工作,希望與國內讀者共讀國外好書。 黃詩韻 二十郎當時,雄心壯志,遠赴西班牙遊學、外派英國當OL,順便到UEA念碩士。三十而立後,拐個德國佬回來完成人生大事,才到台大啃外文、修教程、取得教師證。人生隨興所至,現只想當譯者、當別人記憶中的高中英文老師。 邱佳皇 東吳大學外語學院英語學系畢業,曾任英語教學編輯,從事編譯工作十餘年。熱愛英文與閱讀,喜好大自然。目前為專職翻譯與英語產品編輯。




