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步步減肥記 = Bubu on a diet /

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  自從《誰搬走了我的乳酪?》一書問世之後,這一兩年來開始流行用兒童寓言故事來闡述成人世界道理。這些看似兒童的讀物書籍,以不再定位在兒童讀本,已近一步成為內涵精深的成人故事書,適合大朋友、小朋友一起閱讀的好書了。作者透過細膩文字的描述、運用人人能淺顯易懂的兒童故事題材,來分析我們生活中的智慧,有人際間互動的過程、有環境改變時的適應與個人遇到環境改變時的應變方式……  本書採中英對照搭配生動活潑的插圖呈現海家四隻貓一隻狗的有趣冒險記。作者簡介  盧秋瑩,美國麻州愛默生傳播學院媒體藝術碩士,曾任臺灣知名雜誌社文字編輯,報社藝文記者。目前與先生、兒子、三隻貓和一隻狗定居於波士頓市郊。  Chiu-Ying Lu holds a Master of Arts Degree from Emerson College. She was an editor and entertainment report for well-known magazines and newspapers in Taiwan. She currently lives in the suburb of Boston with her husband, three cats and a dog. 插畫家簡介  布萊恩‧艾思莫斯,1977年出生於美國麻州昆西鎮,1999年以優等成績榮獲波士頓藝術學院插畫學位,目前是波士頓一家公司的動畫家,閒暇時不忘情繪畫。  Brian Assmus was born in 1977 in Quincy Massachusetts. He graduated with honors and his B.F.A. in illustration from the Art Institute of Boston in 1999. He currently works as an animator in Boston and in his spare time still winds up drawing.

作者簡介   盧秋瑩,美國麻州愛默生傳播學院媒體藝術碩士,曾任臺灣知名雜誌社文字編輯,報社藝文記者。目前與先生、兒子、三隻貓和一隻狗定居於波士頓市郊。   Chiu-Ying Lu holds a Master of Arts Degree from Emerson College. She was an editor and entertainment report for well-known magazines and newspapers in Taiwan. She currently lives in the suburb of Boston with her husband, three cats and a dog. 插畫家簡介   布萊恩‧艾思莫斯,1977年出生於美國麻州昆西鎮,1999年以優等成績榮獲波士頓藝術學院插畫學位,目前是波士頓一家公司的動畫家,閒暇時不忘情繪畫。   Brian Assmus was born in 1977 in Quincy Massachusetts. He graduated with honors and his B.F.A. in illustration from the Art Institute of Boston in 1999. He currently works as an animator in Boston and in his spare time still winds up drawing.




