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The road to tolerance : the philosophy of rational emotive behavior therapy /

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In this overview of one of the most successful forms of psychotherapy-Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)-its creator and chief advocate, Albert Ellis, explains the principles underlying this therapeutic approach and shows how beneficial it can be. REBT promotes an attitude of tolerance-an open-minded willingness to accept the frailties, less-than-ideal behaviors, and unique characteristics of both others and ourselves. Ellis persuasively demonstrates that lack of tolerance of others, which fails to account for the great diversity of human personalities and behaviors, can become a serious disruptive force in today's multicultural global society. In emphasizing how easy it is for all of us to think, feel, and act narrow-mindedly, Ellis brilliantly shows that tolerance is a deliberate, rational choice that we can all make, both for the good of ourselves and the world.




