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Life without limits : inspiration for a ridiculously good life /

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  如果一個沒手沒腳的傢伙,也能在全世界最頂尖的海灘衝浪,   那麼,任何一件事對你都是可能的!   *全球首發!以生命見證、撼動千萬人心的小巨人力克!   沒手沒腳,沒有限制!   從一無所有,到一無所缺。   他用自己的行動顯示,什麼叫作「永不放棄」!   他用自己的故事證明,什麼叫作「不設限的人生」!   沒有一本書,比力克的故事,更能帶給你希望!   如果你懷疑自己的能力,力克說:   當你懷疑自己能否實現人生的目標時,請信任那些願意助你一臂之力,以及能夠指引你的人。   如果你覺得自己很糟,力克說:   當我的父母看到我出生時那沒手沒腳的模樣,他們也不禁懷疑上帝到底在想什麼。然而,今天我過著完全超乎我們想像的生活。我只能說:「我的受造奇妙可畏。」你也一樣。   如果你正面對人生的變化,力克說:   在掌控你不想要或突然發生的變化時,第一步就是保持警覺,迅速認知到你即將進入一個新階段──無論是好是壞。覺察到變化可以減輕壓力。   如果你正打算放棄夢想,力克說:   告訴自己再多撐一天、一個禮拜、一個月,再多撐一年吧。你會發現,拒絕退場的結果令人驚訝。只有拒絕再試一次的人才會被打敗。   如果你心裡憂傷難過,力克說:   在悲慟的另一邊,有一條不同的出路,會讓你更堅強、更堅定,讓你找到自己想要的人生。我會為你點出這條路。   如果你曾有輕生的念頭,力克說:   十歲那一次,如果我讓自己的臉再往水下沉個十多公分,或許我是能結束短暫的痛苦,但代價是什麼?我將看不到在夏威夷海邊與海龜一同游泳、在加州衝浪、在哥倫比亞潛水的開心男子。不要去犯我幾乎犯下的過錯。 力克語錄   ◆如果一個沒手沒腳的傢伙也能在全世界最頂尖的海灘衝浪,那麼任何一件事對你都是可能的!   ◆在艱困的時光中,依然能夠前進,關鍵就在於,你不是以能看見的,而是以能想像的事物,來引導你的人生。這就叫作信心。   ◆你不應該看著你所缺乏的過日子;相反地,你應該過一種「只要敢夢想,什麼都做得到」的人生。   ◆不要把每個面皰或皺紋看得太嚴重,因為有一天,你會碰到真正麻煩的大事,那時你要怎麼辦?   ◆緊緊抓著舊傷痛不放,你就只是給那些傷害你的人力量,讓他們控制你;可是當你原諒他們,你就切斷了跟這些人的連結,他們就再也不能打擊你。千萬不要以為寬恕他們是放他們一馬,你這樣做不為別的,是為了你自己。   ◆站起來和倒在地上,哪個感覺比較好?你天生不是在地上打滾的,你要起身,一次一次又一次,直到全然釋放你的潛力。   Life Without Limits is an inspiring book by an extraordinary man. Born without arms or legs, Nick Vujicic overcame his disability to live not just independently but a rich, fulfilling life, becoming a model for anyone seeking true happiness. Now an internationally successful motivational speaker, his central message is that the most important goal for anyone is to find their life’s purpose despite whatever difficulties or seemingly impossible odds stand in their way.   Nick tells the story of his physical disabilities and the emotional battle he endured trying to deal with them as a child, a teen, and a young adult. “For the longest, loneliest time, I wondered if there was anyone on earth like me, and whether there was any purpose to my life other than pain and humiliation.” He shares how his faith in God has been his central source of strength and explains that once he found his own sense of purpose—inspiring others to make their lives and the world better—he found the confidence to build a rewarding and productive life without limits.   Nick offers practical advice for realizing a life of fulfillment and happiness by building trust in others, developing supportive relationships, and gaining strength for the journey. He encourages the reader by showing how he learned to accept what he could not control and focus instead on what he could.   “I do believe my life has no limits! I want you to feel the same way about your life, no matter what your challenges may be. As we begin our journey together, please take a moment to think about any limitations you’ve placed on your life or that you’ve allowed others to place on it. Now think about what it would be like to be free of those limitations. What would your life be if anything were possible?”   —Nick Vujicic, from Life Without Limits

力克.胡哲(Nick Vujicic)







  在決定以「激勵他人」為生命目標,並創設「沒有四肢的人生」這個非營利組織之後,至今已在五大洲超過二十五個國家、舉辦過一千五百多場演講,給予 / 接受數百萬個擁抱,自稱為「擁抱機器」。






  NICK VUJICIC is a motivational speaker and the director founding President of the a non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs. A longtime resident of Australia, he now lives in southern CaliforniaIt was in recent years that Nick made the move from Australia to Southern California from where he now continues to passionately travel around the world, spreading a message of hope to all people.




