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Java the UML way : integrating object-oriented design and programming /

  • 點閱:164
  • 評分:0
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  • 引用:0
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This is a fast-paced textbook which teaches how to program in Java using UML as the modeling tool. Objects are presented early on, and traditional topics of control structures and arrays are cast into an object-oriented context. The use of available classes is stressed, and classes for user communication (JOptionPanel), sound, images, graphics, sorting and searching are covered in the first part of the book. Applets and applications illustrate the use of language features. The second part of the book covers intermediate-to-advanced topics, e.g. understanding graphical user interfaces (GUI) by means of the Swing libraries, thread programming, algorithms and data sutrctures (the Collection classes), distributed systems (sockets and RMI), database interfacing (JDBC) and web-programming (servlets/JSP).Overhead slides for each chapter are also available, as well as relevant links and tips. You will learn: How to "translate" a UML class diagram into Java source code. How to construct first classes even before writing the simplest if-statement. How to use standard SDK 2 classes and the SDK online API documentation. How to write programs according to Sun's code conventions. How to separate GUI and application code and why it is important. How to get started on GUI programming with Swing, particuarly how to master the useful, but difficut JTable anf GridBagLayout classes. How to produce larger programs such as distributed systems with callback and database programs based on three-layer architecture. How to make JSP Web pages with personalized content for end users and with database communication. About TSIP: TSIP is a Research Foundation working with ICT and Open and Distance Learning. Activities include: offering 50 ICT distance courses via the Internet in co-operation with Sor-Trondelag University College developing and managing Internet-based services developing client-server database solutions publishing textbooks on C++ and Java Programming: the Internet: Operating Systems and LAN Management.




